ATTN: Please do not punch holes in, bend or scratch your new PantherCard because it may damage the chip.
If you need to replace or update your PantherCard, please visit our PantherCard office. Your first PantherCard is free and replacements are $25.
You can link a debit account to your PantherCard? It’s called PantherCash and is simple to set-up, convenient to use, and saves you money on any Georgia State University Campus. See below for details.
Georgia State provides a machine-readable, photo identification card (ID Card) – PantherCard – for Georgia State students, faculty, staff, and other classes of individuals with a close association to the University. The primary purpose of the PantherCard is to identify the person and their association with Georgia State and should be carried at all times while on campus. Students must be currently enrolled to be eligible for the PantherCard.
To receive a PantherCard, faculty, staff and students should bring a valid, government-issued, photo ID to the any of the PantherCard offices as identification. Faculty and staff PantherCards may be obtained after all Human Resources paperwork has been processed.
Note: The PantherCard is the property of Georgia State University. It should be carried at all times and presented, upon demand, for identification.
Photo Requirements
- The photo must be taken against a solid white or off-white background, centered on full-face view, directly facing the camera, no head tilts, with the image from the base of the neck/top of shoulders, upward to top of head within the photo borders.
- You are not permitted to wear a hat or head covering unless worn daily for a religious purpose or medical reasons (a medical certificate may be required). If worn for religious or medical reasons, the hat or head covering must not obscure the hair or hairline and the hat or head covering must not cast any shadows over your face.
- Any jewelry worn must not obscure the face in any way.
- Headphones, wireless hands-free devices, or similar items are not acceptable in your photo.
- If you normally wear prescription glasses, a hearing device, or similar articles, they may be worn for your photo (if wearing prescription glasses causes a glare, we may require you to remove them).
- Dark glasses or non-prescription glasses with tinted lenses are not acceptable unless you need them for medical reasons (a medical certificate may be required).
The University reserves the right to make final determination regarding acceptance or rejection of any PantherCard photo
Example of ACCEPTABLE photo/background:

Example of UNACCEPTABLE photo/background:

Your PantherCard.
Made exclusively for student life.
Georgia State University and Wells Fargo have teamed up to add convenience to your active day with the all-in-one student ID and Campus ATM Card. The PantherCard1 exclusively for Georgia State University students, faculty, and staff.

Link it.
Already have an account with Wells Fargo? Sign on to link your PantherCard online for your Wells Fargo checking account.
Or link your PantherCard when you open your Wells Fargo checking account at any Wells Fargo branch. Find a branch near you and schedule an appointment.
On campus or off, you’re ready.
- It’s your official student ID for campus privileges.
- Make purchases using your PIN
- Access ATMs across the U.S., including no-fee cash access at Wells Fargo ATMs, including ATMs on campus.
- Use the Wells Fargo Mobile® app2 to check account activity, deposit checks3, transfer funds4, pay bills, send money with Zelle®5, and set up push notifications, text, or email alerts6.
Visit wellsfargo.com/gsu for more details.

1. The PantherCard is an official school ID and a Wells Fargo Campus ATM Card when linked to a Wells Fargo checking account.
2. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier’s coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply.
3. Mobile deposit is only available through the Wells Fargo Mobile® app on eligible mobile devices. Deposit limits and other restrictions apply. Some accounts are not eligible for mobile deposit. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier’s coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply. See Wells Fargo’s Online Access Agreement and your applicable business account fee disclosures for other terms, conditions, and limitations.
4. Terms and conditions apply. Setup is required for transfers to other U.S. financial institutions, and verification may take 1–3 business days. Customers should refer to their other U.S. financial institutions for information about any potential fees charged by those institutions. Mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply. See Wells Fargo’s Online Access Agreement for more information
5. Enrollment with Zelle® through Wells Fargo Online® or Wells Fargo Business Online® is required. Terms and conditions apply. U.S. checking or savings account required to use Zelle®. Transactions between enrolled users typically occur in minutes. For your protection, Zelle® should only be used for sending money to friends, family, or others you trust. Neither Wells Fargo nor Zelle® offers purchase protection for payments made with Zelle® – for example, if you do not receive the item you paid for or the item is not described or as you expected. The Request feature within Zelle® is only available through Wells Fargo using a smartphone. Payment requests to persons not already enrolled with Zelle® must be sent to an email address. To send or receive money with a small business, both parties must be enrolled with Zelle® directly through their financial institution’s online or mobile banking experience. For more information, view the Zelle® Transfer Service Addendum to the Wells Fargo Online Access Agreement. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply. Account fees (e.g., monthly service, overdraft) may apply to Wells Fargo account(s) with which you use Zelle®.
6. Sign-up may be required. Availability may be affected by your mobile carrier’s coverage area. Your mobile carrier’s message and data rates may apply.
See the Consumer Account Fee and Information Schedule and Deposit Account Agreement for additional consumer account information.
Zelle® and the Zelle® related marks are wholly owned by Early Warning Services, LLC and are used herein under license.
Wells Fargo may provide financial support to Georgia State University for services associated with the PantherCard.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Member FDIC.
Treat your PantherCard as you would any bank issued credit or debit card. Keep your PantherCard away from all magnetic fields that may damage the card. Do not punch holes, bend, scratch or in any way damage the card.
Immediately report the lost or stolen card in person at the PantherCard Office or contact us at 404-413-9508 during hours of operation. After hours, report the lost or stolen card to the Georgia State University Police at 404-413-2100. Return to any of the PantherCard Offices the following business day to receive a new card. The owner of the card is responsible for all usage of the card prior to proper notification to the PantherCard office or to the Georgia State University Police. There is a fee of $25.00 for all replacement cards and you are required to take a new photo. Payment can be made online here* so that the PantherCard can be reissued. Replaced PantherCards cannot be reactivated if found. Your PantherCard is treated like a lost or stolen credit/debit card. Lost IDs turned into the PantherCard office are discarded at the end of each business day for security reasons.
Guest Card
The PantherCash GUEST CARD is available for visitors on campus for $1.00 and can be obtained at the PantherCard Office or any VTS (Value Transfer Station). The Guest Card is not an official Georgia State University identification card, and possession does not guarantee access to Georgia State University facilities or student services. This card can be used at all locations that accept PantherCash for payment of goods and services, based upon the availability of sufficient funds in your Guest PantherCash account.
This card has no cash value and all funds deposited are refundable only through the purchase of goods and services at Georgia State University. After 12 months of inactivity, this card may be deactivated and the remaining funds forfeited. Georgia State University is not responsible for any loss of funds due to theft, abuse, or loss of this card.
If you have questions about the use of this card, contact the PantherCard Office at 404-413-9508 or send an email to [email protected]
Affiliate PantherCards
Affiliate PantherCards are issued to visiting scholars, contractors and others who need clear identification of an affiliation with the University and/or access to certain buildings and resources. Affiliate cards are requested via the webform at https://webservices.gsu.edu/accounts by the sponsoring department for a specified length of time. If you are unable to access the affiliate request webform, please contact the IIT Help Desk at [email protected] or 404-413-4357. There is a $25 fee for all requested affiliate ID’s, and a department speed code is needed. Affiliate PantherCards will expire after 30 days unless otherwise specified in the request.
To request that building access be added to the affiliate PantherCard, authorized personnel should contact Georgia State Police via the University Help desk at helpdesk.gsu.edu.
PantherCard Activation and Termination Procedure
The PantherCard is the official ID card for Georgia State University and is administered by Campus Services Information Systems using the Blackboard Transact system. The PantherCard is a machine-readable photo ID available to all Georgia State University faculty, staff, retirees, students and approved affiliates. The PantherCardprovides access to various University services to the campus community, including:
- building access based on police enforced security protocols
- declining balance accounts accessible at vending, dining and other venues around campus
- conditional building access and identification for those persons needing affiliation and/or conditional University access
- photo identification, demographic information and current association with the University
- biometric authentication for access to certain University locations such as the University Library, dining facilities and secure areas.
The demographic information resides within the PantherCard system and is electronically transferred at regular intervals from the university’s Person Registry. Person Registry information originates in the University payroll system for faculty and staff and in the Banner-student information system for students. Card holders should keep their PantherCard with them for ID while on the campuses of Georgia State University.
Procedure/Process for Activation and Termination of PantherCards:
PantherCard privileges remain in place for an individual while in good standing with the University and are deactivated based on the protocol in this section. Programming for the protocol is in the University Person Registry system and is transmitted to the PantherCard system on a regular basis.
Exceptions to the process may be requested for Emergency situations due to unexpected terminations or student misconduct. Please contact the PantherCard office directly for these situations.
College Administrative Officers and HRAC representatives will have the Affiliate option to request extensions for users from the webform https://webservices.gsu.edu/accounts. Additional users may request access to the webform by opening a help ticket at [email protected]. IT will verify departmental approval after which access to the webform may be granted.
- Access will automatically expire 12 months from last registration date (approximately 6 months from the end of the student’s last class).
- If extended access is required, student should contact their Department Chair to request an affiliate card by using the webform https://webservices.gsu.edu/accounts .
- Access will automatically expire 2 business days after date of termination.
- If extended access is required, an affiliate card may be requested by the Department head using the webform https://webservices.gsu.edu/accounts .
- Part Time Instructor
- Temporary PTI – Access will automatically expire 2 business days after date of termination as indicated in the University Payroll system.
- Regular PTI – Access will automatically expire 2 business days after date of termination. If no termination date is provided; termination will automatically occur after 1 year of inactivity.
- Adjuncts- Access will automatically expire 2 business days after date of termination. If no termination date is provided; termination will automatically occur 1 year after hire date.. An extension can be requested using the webform if needed by Human Resources or the hiring department.
- Visiting Lecturer- Access will automatically expire 2 business days after their termination date.
- 9 month and 12-month faculty – Access will automatically expire 2 business days after their termination date
Staff retiree’s access will automatically expire 2 business days after their effective date on their retirement personal action form entered the Payroll system. A department head may request an extension for access with a termination date not to exceed 1 year. Faculty retiree will remain active on the PantherCard system for 5 years after retirement.
A retiree who is rehired into employment will require a new PantherCard with appropriate access for their position. A new hiring record will electronically pass from OneUSG to the PantherCard system via the Person Registry. The rehired retiree may pick up a new PantherCard in the PantherCard Office.
Faculty who retire as an Emeritus will remain active.
PantherCard Campus Locations & Contact Information
Atlanta Campus PantherCard Office
University Bookstore Building
66 Courtland St. SE, Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Phone: 404-413-9508
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Alpharetta Campus PantherCard Office
AA 1122
3705 Brookside Pkwy.
Alpharetta, GA 30022
Phone: 404-413-9508
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Clarkston Campus PantherCard Office
CN 1510
555 North Indian Creek Dr.
Clarkston, GA 30021
Phone: 404-413-9508
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Decatur Campus PantherCard Office
SF 1300
3251 Panthersville Rd.
Decatur, GA 30034
Phone: 404-413-9508
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Dunwoody Campus PantherCard Office
NB 1400
2101 Womack Rd.
Dunwoody, GA 30338
Phone: 404-413-9508
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
Newton Campus PantherCard Office
1N 1130
239 Cedar Ln.
Covington, GA 30014
Phone: 404-413-9508
E-mail: [email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.
About PantherCash
PantherCash is a debit account linked to your PantherCard. PantherCash is simple to set-up, convenient to use, and saves you money at any Georgia State University Campus.
PantherCash can be used exclusively on-campus and is not affiliated with the Money Network/Discover account.
Discover/Money Network has been replaced with Bank Mobile for student financial aid refunds.
Saving When Using PantherCash
Saving money on campus is easier than ever.
Sign up for a PantherCash account online and start saving money. See savings listed below as well as other discounts anywhere you see the PantherCash logo.
Save 20%
Patton Dining Hall
Piedmont Central Dining Hall
Piedmont North Dining Hall
Save 8%
All GSU drink vending machines
Save 10% Every Day!
At all University Bookstores. Can’t be combined with any other discount and excludes textbooks and electronics.
PantherCash Application
To activate the PantherCash debit account simply fill out an online PantherCash Registration Application. You will need to make a deposit of $5.00 or more using MasterCard, American Express, Discover or Visa and your account will be activated.
Adding Money to PantherCash
Once the account is active, additional deposits can be made at Payment Headquarters in Location (PHIL) on campus, or online at our PantherCash Online Card Office. PHIL machines accept only cash and exact change.
PHIL Machines Locations
- Aderhold 1st floor
- Student Center West 1st Floor
- Library North 2nd floor
CLARKSTON: CL Bldg inside the Library
DECATUR: SA Bldg inside the Library
DUNWOODY: NB Bldg 1st Floor Lobby
NEWTON: 2N Bldg inside Library
Please Note: PantherCash can be used Exclusively on Campus and is not affiliated with the Money Network/ Discover Account. You cannot make deposits to your Discover account on this website.
'Transact eAccounts'
NOTICE: When the DUO application was set up for online p-cash, the eAccounts app stopped working. Please uninstall the eAccounts app from your devices and reinstall to get the application working properly again.
With the eAccounts app, you can:
- View your meal points and stored value account balances
- Monitor transaction activity
- Make deposits
- Set up account alerts
'Transact eAccounts' Mobile app – available on IOS and Android devices!
How to set up and deposit funds through the PantherCash eAccounts app:
Visit our website below to log into the online PantherCash accounts to first save a credit card payment in your profile.
- Download the Transact eAccounts mobile App
- Find Georgia State University
- Sign in with your Georgia State campus ID and Password
- Your Panthercash account will become visible
- Deposit funds by hitting the “Add Money” tab
- Enter the amount you would like to deposit and submit
PantherCash Refund Request
Students, Faculty, and Staff can complete and submit a PantherCash Refund Request Form in person to the PantherCard Office with official documentation of leaving the University to receive a refund. Please allow up to 6 weeks for refunds to be processed by the University.
Refund Prerequisites
If you are a STUDENT, you must have:
- Withdrawn from Georgia State University
- Graduated from Georgia State University
Please provide copies of relevant documentation that offers sufficient proof.
If you are a FACULTY OR STAFF MEMBER, you must have ceased employment with Georgia State University.
PantherCash Terms and Conditions
- The PantherCash account is a record of pre-deposited funds to be accessed by the Cardholder for the purchase of products and services at Georgia State University. This Account will be administered by the PantherCard Office, a division of Georgia State University’s Campus Services Office, located at 200 University Bookstore Building, or at the mailing address of P. O. Box 3971, Atlanta, GA 30302-3971; 404-413-9508; Fax 404-413-9525. All fees and other charges are subject to change without notice
- To activate a PantherCash debit account, a Cardholder can either (1) visit the PantherCard Office or complete a PantherCash Registration Application online; and (2) make a minimum deposit of Five Dollars ($5.00) to the account. Additional cash deposits to the account may be made in minimum increments of One Dollar ($1.00) in cash, Five Dollars ($5.00) credit, debit, or online.No one but the Cardholder is authorized to make purchases using a PantherCash account. By accepting and using the PantherCard, the Cardholder agrees to abide by the rules and regulations that pertain to use of the card. Future changes in terms and conditions regulating the use of the PantherCard will apply to all cards in circulation and will supersede the terms and conditions in effect at the time the card was acquired. It is the Cardholder’s responsibility to keep all account information (i.e. the information provided on the Cardholder’s PantherCash account registration) current and Cardholders must inform the applicable data administrator of the Registrar’s Office (for student cardholders) or the Office of Human Resources (for employee cardholders) of any address or other changes.It is the responsibility of the individual to be informed of and to observe all regulations and procedures regarding the PantherCashAgreement. In no case will a regulation be waived or an exception granted because an individual claims ignorance of the regulation. All questions concerning fees and refunds should be directed to the PantherCardOffice only but claim of verbal misinformation is not grounds for a regulation waiver.
- Although there is no daily limit to the number of purchases that may be made and debited from a Cardholder’s PantherCash account, total debits and charges may not exceed the amount of deposited funds. PantherCashaccounts will not accrue interest nor may they be used as a credit card or for an advancement of cash.Future PantherCash deposits may be automatically credited to the Cardholder’s account when deposits are made in person and during business hours at the PantherCard Office via cash or credit card. In addition, deposits may be made on-line via credit card at the PantherCash Online Card Office, or via cash at any Value Transfer Station (VTS) or Payment Headquarters In Location (PHIL) machines on campus.
- PantherCash refunds are only permitted upon the following occurrences: University graduation, withdrawal, suspension, or expulsion as a student, termination of University employment, or other release from the University. The PantherCard Office requires that the Cardholder provide documentation supporting the basis for a refund request plus a PantherCard ID before refunds will be processed to the Cardholder.A PantherCashRefund Request form is available at the PantherCard Office. Refunds may be processed by (1) completing the request and returning it in person to the PantherCard Office; or (2) mailing a notarized request form together with copies of the above-referenced supporting documentation. Merchandise returns at most PantherCashretailers may be accepted for refund in accordance with the refund policy in effect at the place of purchase. If refunds are provided, refunds will be credited to the Cardholder’s account. No cash refunds will be made for any purchase made with the PantherCard.
- The Cardholder’s account will become inactive:
• Six months after the Cardholder ceases to be an active/enrolled student of the University.
• If the Cardholder ceases to be an employee of the University for any reason.
• If the Cardholder, as an affiliate, completes his/her stay at the University.
• If the Cardholder alters, falsifies the PantherCard, produces or distributes false IDs, or uses duplicate copies of the PantherCard for University benefits or discounts. - The PantherCash account balance shall become subject to an annual maintenance fee of Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) or the remaining balance of the PantherCashaccount, whichever is less, after each year of inactivity.In the event a PantherCard account is inactive for 5 years and retains value, the PantherCard Office will notify the account holder before remitting the account value to the Georgia Department of Revenue’s Property Tax Division as State Unclaimed Property. If the account value is $50 or more, the PantherCard Office will provide notice via 1st class mail to the account holder’s last known address at least 60 days prior to turning over the account value to the State. If the account value is less than $50, the PantherCard Office will e-mail the Cardholder at the last known e-mail address on file and wait 10 days prior to turning over the account value to the State.
- To prevent unauthorized use of lost or stolen PantherCards, Cardholders should immediately report the lost or stolen card to the PantherCard Office at 404-413-9508 to insure proper deactivation. After business hours, Cardholders should report lost or stolen cards to the Campus Police at 404-413-2100. Telephoning is the best way for Cardholders to keep his/her losses down or losing any remaining balance in the PantherCash account. You could lose all the money in your account. If a Cardholder informs the University of a lost or stolen PantherCardwithin two (2) business days (Monday through Friday except for legal and University Holidays), the Cardholder will lose no more than Fifty Dollars ($50.00) if someone has used the Cardholder’s PantherCash account without the Cardholder’s permission. However, if a Cardholder does not inform the University of a lost or stolen PantherCard within two (2) business days after the Cardholder has learned of the loss or theft of the PantherCard, and the PantherCard Office can prove it could have stopped someone from using the PantherCashaccount without the Cardholder’s permission if the PantherCard Office had been informed by the Cardholder of the lost or stolen PantherCard, the Cardholder could lose as much as Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Cardholders should return to the PantherCard Office to receive a new card. Cardholders are subject to paying a replacement fee for the card.
- The Cardholder may access their account statement at PantherCash Online Card Office. A Cardholder may also request an activity statement in person or in writing from the PantherCard Office. If the request is made in writing, the Cardholder must present documentation of proof as to his or her identity. For immediate fund balance inquires, the Cardholder may access the information online at PantherCash Online Card Office, at any VTS or (PHIL) locations, or by reviewing purchase receipts given at any applicable retail operation accepting PantherCash.
- The Cardholder must inform the PantherCard within sixty (60) days as to any error in his or her PantherCashstatement. If the Cardholder would like more information about a specific transaction, the Cardholder should contact the PantherCard Office in person or writing as to the specifics of the inquiry.If the PantherCashstatement shows transfers that the Cardholder did not make, the Cardholder should immediately report the non-authorized purchases. If the Cardholder does not report the error in his/her PantherCash statement within sixty (60) days after the statement was mailed, electronically sent, or posted for review by the Cardholder, the Cardholder may not get back any money he/she has lost after the sixty (60) days if the PantherCard Office can prove that it could have stopped someone from taking the money if the Cardholder had advised the PantherCard Office in timely manner. However, if there is a good reason (i.e., long trip or hospital stay) which kept the Cardholder from informing the PantherCard Office, the PantherCard Office will extend the time periods.The PantherCard Office will investigate all claims of PantherCash account error and will provide a written response to the Cardholder within twenty (20) business days of receipt of notice of claim. If an error is found, the PantherCard Office will make the necessary adjustments to the account; if no error is found, the PantherCardOffice will provide the Cardholder with a written explanation. The Cardholder may request copies of the documents used to conduct the investigation.
- Information about the Cardholder’s account will be disclosed to third parties only for the following reasons: in order to complete a transaction; in order to comply with a government agency or court order; in conjunction with all other cardholder accounts in the aggregate but not specific in regard to any individual’s account; or with the Cardholder’s written permission.
- This PantherCash account is non-transferable. Possession of the PantherCard is a privilege. Ownership of the ID remains with the University upon separation. Misuse of the PantherCard warrants its confiscation by the University and/or disciplinary action as deemed appropriate by the University.
Off Campus Vendors
PantherCash is accepted as payment at many off-campus locations. This program is in addition to the PantherCash on-campus program available for bookstore and dining purchases, printing and copying, vending, etc.
The locations listed below have already joined our off-campus program. We are working to add other businesses to provide students and staff with greater flexibility and opportunities.

On Campus Vendors
The PantherCash on-campus program is available for bookstore and dining purchases, printing and copying, vending, etc.
The locations listed below are part of our on-campus program.

[email protected]
Monday - Friday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m.
University Bookstore Building
66 Courtland Street SE
Suite 200
Atlanta, GA 30303
Georgia State University
P.O. Box 3971
Atlanta, GA 30302-3971